it's time to focus completely on your healthy habits

Started from the bottom now we're here

4 week foundation

Special Offer

it's time to focus completely on your healthy habits

Let's Master This Together!

 Well, buckle up, because 4 Week Foundation is here to be your guide, your confidante, and your partner in crime (the only crime here is ignoring your veggies)

Ready to embark on a journey that will have you shouting "I finally GET IT, and I'm loving it!" from the rooftops?

It's time to jump start your journey with 4 weeks of healthy habits

Gone are the days of skipping meals, wandering the shopping aisles with no plan or eating cheese out of the bag for dinner (I see you ๐Ÿ‘€ )

  • How do I become a "Healthy person"?
  • How many carbs are too many carbs?
  • Why do I get the 3pm schnack attack?

Create a new plan every Monday then giving up by Thursday? (Craig David would never!)

Are you frustrated with setting goals and never getting anywhere?

Here's the deal

Now I have a set of habits and behavious that I just *do* with no effort. It's just who I am and what I do!


Because I've been there. Starting and giving up on eating well a million times. Going for one walk then getting bored and throwing in the towel. Roaming the grocery aisles with no idea what even IS healthy?! 

I remember having salmon and sweet potato every night for weeks thinking I was treating my body like a *temple* but there were no veggies in sight. I was all in or all out, I was good or bad and quite frankly, I didn't want to do the boring bits day in, day out. 

When you feel like you have no flipping clue where to start

I see you


In a routine you can actually stick with

at the end of the month you'll be:

My NEW 4 week Back to Basics habit building course

And thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m so happy to introduce to you...

Not a diet. Not a competition. A month to get you from off plan to nailing it. Time to take care of yourself.

  • 4 learning modules, 3x lessons per week
  • 1 Live call accountability call each week 
  • Facebook accountability group
  • Weekly challenges to build your foundation
  • Recipes, meal ideas, support 

28 days. Each day nailing your basics over and over and over. Reset, build habits, come out the other side feeling amazing

What will we actually be doing?

alright alright....

Hayley W

She has this ability to break things down so simply that they no longer feel complicated or overwhelming. It's actually not as hard as I thought it was when I started with the basics, now I'm nailing all my habits!

Sheri has been the BEST investment I've ever made, hands-down!

No. It teaches you how to build a healthy plate, grocery shopping basics, and recipe ideas, but I'll never tell you what to eat, I'll empower YOU to choose!

Is it a meal plan?

There are 3-4 lessons a week to watch, each 15-20 minutes each. There is one hour long live call per week

WHAT is the time investment?

No. 4WF is not focused at all on fat loss, it's all about building healthy habits for life! No scales, no weighing. Nada

Is it a weight loss program?



Habit tracker

Customisable daily and weekly habit tracker to keep on top of all the basics

Bonus #2

Valued at $39.90

Over 60 healthy, balanced recipes for you to add to your meal rotation

Recipe book

Bonus #1

In Addition To all my habit building basics, You'll Walk Away With...


-Strip it back to basics
-Nail your routine
-Reset, refocus on YOU




3 monthly payments

Join 4WF now

let's do this

Sheri x

I'm telling you, you're missing the forest for the trees.

You're stressing out about the confusing things and ignoring the solid (boring, oops) basics. Building routine and habit maybe isn't fun, or sexy, but its necessary ๐Ÿ˜ 

Luckily, rinse and repeat is my speciality! 

Sheri here!

Hi Friend!

Say hello to Four Weeks of Foundations.

Say goodbye to letting yourself down

Maybe you're a total noob, maybe you need a habit recalibration, maybe you've nailed it before but you let things slide...

No idea where to start?
Need a reset?